Leane Carter |
21 year old Leane Carter gave birth on 25th December,2012( Christmas day) even though she wasn't aware that she was pregnant. Leane woke up at 2:30 am on Christmas day with what she felt was severe period cramps and as it became so severe, her mum advised they go to the hospital.
While in the hospital, she went to the toilet and felt the need to push, with this, her mum hurriedly called in a staff and they asked her if she was prgnant. Leane was wheeled in and for the first time realised she was pregnant when she was giving gas and air while she was pushing.
She gave birth to her son Joseph at 8am on Christmas day. Baby Joseph weighed 4lb 2oz, Medical staff at Queen's Medical centre where Joseph was born believe he(Joseph) did not suffer lasting effects fro this suprise birth.
Miss Carter said she had no physical symptoms through out her pregnancy and only became bloated November, 2012. To her, it was such a big suprise and she is happy and grateful to God that her son is okay.
The baby's father, Scott Curwood, was equally shocked. However, he is excited about the birth of their son.
Hmm this is one story you hear and wonders about the the wonders of God because, it is God and God alone, for a woman not to know that she was pregnant and finally put to bed a baby without hitches. She didn't go for the regular ante natal check up to ascertain the fitness of her child, yet the baby is doing well.
This story actually made me remember a story similar to this back then in the University, a student didn't realise she was pregnant not until her seventh month. Although she thought of terminating the pregnancy but was advised not to so she doesn't endanger her life. She later gave birth to a baby boy and her baby is very much okay.
Now how many young ladies that isn't married want this kind of suprise? say the truth.