Tuesday 6 November 2012

Hehehehe....Man Confesses murder on Death Bed and faces Consequences After Surviving Attack

OMG... You know that feeling that you get when you are like "have said it all do your worst", as you obviuosly know that no harm can be done to you.

James Washington almost got away with murder as he thought he was going to die. He confessed to have killed some one by beating her to death. He suffered a heart attacka and thinking he won't survive the attack decided to clear his conscience before dying.

Unfortunately for him, he survuved the attack, and have to face the consequences. He however trie dtaking back his words after survival but nothing could be done.

He has been tried and sentenced to life sentence.

Oh oh too bad. What should he have done, die with the guilt? Or did he do the right thing? He obviously didn't want to go to hell...

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